All-OffRoad: Information for off-road enthisuasts about dirt bike motorcycles, dual sport riding, trip reports, product reviews, tech tips, and more...

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Welcome to All-OffRoad 2000!
Your #1 Source For Recreational Dirt Bike and Dual Sport Information
An "Almost Monthly" On-Line Dirt Bike Magazine (E-Zine).

Well, we have finally switched our Web Host Provider. Please be patient while we work all of the bugs out...




Ever suffered from the dreaded "bed-flex?"

Checkout a couple ideas for solving the problem . . .[Details]

BIG Discounts Now!

In order help provide more quality articles, MX South has agreed to provide a 20% discount each month for the best submission.[Details]

Land Use  – Image is Everything

I suggest thinking of your image the same way you think of your reputation or your integrity. Most all of us will go to extremes to protect our reputation, credibility, integrity, and honor.  Well, our “image” should get equal protection . . . [Details]

All-OffRoad an official sponsor of:
[tread lightly!]

Things Change and Change and Change . . .

Then, as it usually does, Life walked up and smacked me real hard up ‘long side my head . . . [Details]

Summer Sports Special!


More Wallpaper
My neighbor, Scott, catches some air . . . [Details]

For those new to All-OffRoad please check in throughout the month. Our writers have gotten lazy, um uh, are too busy riding - Yup, that's it. Anyway, more articles will trickle in as the month progresses.

Remember: It makes no difference if you ride a dirt bike, a dirtbike, a dual sport motorcycle, a dualsport motorcycle, a motocross bike, a trials bike, a rat bike, or even an ATV or quad as long as you ride.

All-OffRoad is designed with the weekend warrior type of off-road enthusiast in mind. Currently our focus is going to be Off-Road Motorcycles better known as dirt bikes (or dirtbikes depending on your preference). This includes all topics for Dirt Bikers including articles on Trail Riding, Dual Sport/Dual Purpose Motorcycles, Riding Enduros, Motocross Motorcycles, eventually maybe even information on Trials Riding. We love dirt bikes and most everything related to them. We feature everything from trip reports to dirt bike pictures, including product reviews. 


All-OffRoad Trip reports, Product Reviews, Tech-Tips & more...
Previous articles and features can be found here!

Brought to you by: Motorcycles Magazines

Table of Contents
for This Issue

High Sides
*Words of Wisdom

*BF Knows!
*The Rookie Speaks
*For Beginners...
*Vintage World

Other Features
*Crash -n- Burn
*Featured Photos
*Cool Graphics
Wanna Buy Stuff?
Magazine Rack

*Where to Ride
*Ride Report

*From the Fender Bag
Classified Ads -

Discussion Groups
Enduro World -
Moto/Super Cross -
AOR Mailing List

Coming Events
Dual Sport Rides

About Us
Who Are We?
Awards We've Won
What are people saying?
Search Central
Advertising Information

* Last months articles.

We Rated with RSAC



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Copyright © 1995-2000 Off-Road Designs. All rights reserved.
Concept, design, & creation of this page by Jay C. Everson
Last modified