What have people been saying about us?
From Thats Useful, This is Cool
Wednesday, April 29, 1998
And if we're gonna get into outdoor gear, let's not go half the way
there. All-Offroad covers the 4x4 and dirt bike crowd (possibly the antithesis of the
bunch likely to hang out at today's Useful). Photos, where to ride reports, hardware
reviews, racing and TUTIC's fave, Crash n Burn--photos of incredibly smashed-up bikes
whose riders nevertheless lived to tell about it."
From GTE Cool Sites
Week of May 30, 1998
"All-Offroad - Information
for off-road enthusiasts. All-Offroad is a monthly E-Zine including trip reports, product
reviews, tech tips, land-use issues, cool non-commercial site with lots of entertainment
From BBC Top Gear
Monday, August 10, 1998
"All-OffRoad - Dig This, Dirt Bikers
Lost in a Californian desert on a powerful bike, with a shredded back tyre and no
compass, hardly sounds the sort of thing to encourage bikers to follow the dirt tracks.
But there is a bursting enthusiasm for the sport in this trail-blazing American-based
monthly magazine for dirt bikers. And there are sound messages for the beginners in the
nail-biting writing and articles on where to start and what to buy. Editor Jay Everson and
his staff are so hot on the trail themselves they apologise for being a few weeks behind
with the news. No worry, man, there are back numbers, lively columns, lots of technicals,
news about racing and sport riding, mailing lists and classifieds. Great off-saddle