Cycle By-Cycle Carriers
Cycle By-Cycle Carriers makes two bicycle carrier systems for motorcycles. The attached photo shows both systems on a KLR 650 -- add a passenger and you're set for a day of real fun! Of course, normally you'd use one system at a time -- the side mount for rough dirt roads or the rear pull mount for street. The side mount is most appropriate for dirt and dual purpose motorcycles, whereas the rear pull system works great for any kind of motorcycle with a rear rack. Both systems are simple, lightweight (aluminum tubing), durable, quick to mount the bicycle and quick to attach to the motorcycle. They've put hundreds of miles on both systems and have a ball enjoying both sports in the same outing. The system gets lots of smiles and hoots from everyone who sees it. Each system sells for $245 plus shipping. If you have a motorcycle they haven't created a rack for, they can develop a template over the phone or through the mail. Give them a call for more info: Mark Schuette |