Moto JACKRACKManufacturer: Ride
Everyday Motor Sports
For one reason or another you may find yourself
wishing for an alternate means of hauling your bike. By alternate I mean
something other than your truck or trailer. Well, the Moto JACKRACK
is one the best alternatives. There are several hitch-mount carriers
available but we haven’t seen any quite like it. Most of the other
carriers support the bike by the tires. This leaves a lot of potential
problems due to the suspension allowing the bike to bounce around. In
fact, just recently we ran into a guy that dropped his bike off of one of
those because he hadn’t strapped it down tight enough before going over
railroad tracks at speed. The Moto Jackrack elleviates this problem by
supporting the bike by the frame just under the engine. It secures the
bike by the foot pegs so there is no way to lose it.
Another common problem with some of the other brands
is the need to lift the bike up onto them. Granted, some of them have a
ramp to assist. The Moto Jackrack actually has an integrated hydraulic
jack that is used to hoist the bike up out of the way. In fact, the wheels
are kept about 15 inches off of the ground, leaving good ground clearance
for the occasional off-road excursion.