IDC GPS Motorcycle MountsManufacturer: Innovative
Design Concepts Looking for a way to mount your GPS unit within reach on your dirt bike or dual sport machine? Well, constructed from 0.090" thick 6061 aircraft-grade aluminum, which is stamped, formed and heli-arc welded, the IDC GPS mounts are just the ticket. Designed for Magellan GPS units, they'll also work with the vertical GARMIN units, such as the 12XL. Fitted with pressure-sensitive closed-cell foam that develops a lasting memory and including velcro straps to ensure a secure fit, they can be adapted to fit a variety of models.
Well designed and built, they offer a fair amount of protection as well. Heck, I've gone down five times with my GPS on board and have had no breakage. IDC offers several models, but you'll probably be interested in either the "Tank Mount" or "Bar Mount" models. When I contacted Glen at IDC and begged him to send me the bar mount version to check out, he suggested that I also try the tank mount. I thought "OK" why not. He promptly sent me both models Fed Ex, just in time for the weekend. I have to say I was glad he sent me both. The bar mount model uses a "pinch" clamp to mount to a 7/8' bar. This would work pretty well to mount to my handlebars, assuming there were space. Space is at a premium on the "dashboard" of my XR, and with all the dual sport accessories (light switches, mirrors, etc.) there was no chance of mounting this thing to my bars. So, I promptly unpacked the tank mount unit and slapped it in place. Mounting is simple:
The only problem I had, first time out, was a bit of leaking gas. I have no doubt that this will be easy to fix with a custom gasket. Ergonomically, some might find the tank mount model challenging on very technical trails. Especially if you're doing hill climbs - you'll find yourself sitting on it. For most other riding, you'll never notice it.
For the next time out, I was convinced that I needed to try the bar mount unit. I fashioned a quick mount for my crossbar using a couple of nuts and bolts and a piece of steel strapping from the local hardware store. This worked GREAT! (Editors Note: I understand that IDC is either working on or already has a 3/8" mount, similar to the 7/8" mount, that should work with most crossbars). I was able to combine both the bar mount unit and my CycoActive Bar Pack map case for the ultimate navigation set up. The set up keeps the GPS unit conveniently located, out of the way, and reasonably safe. I can't imagine a much better setup. The GPS unit is secured into the mount using two velcro straps. With the Garmin 12XL, the middle strap covers the very top of the display. This is not a huge problem, just a minor inconvenience. The closed-cell foam holds the unit tight enough that, when combined with the velcro straps, there's little chance of dropping the unit. The foam also helps to isolate the GPS unit, eliminating much of the vibration that can be found on the crossbar. I intend on modifying my mount slightly, by drilling two holes in it, the first for routing a cable for an external antenna, the second for a power cord. I'm hoping to run power directly to the GPS, eliminating the need for batteries.
All of their models are offered in either a durable powder-coated finish (both of ours are powder-coated) or can be ordered polished for owners looking to enhance the overall appearance of their off-road machine. These things look sharp and are incredibly functional. They also offer a variety of other designs, check out their web site for more details. A serious "Thumbs Up" to IDC . . .